Many of you should made Thermometer using LM35 and 2*16 LCD its very simple. Nokia 3310 LCD is very handy to use in this kind of applications, it is slim and have a lots of graphical details options, you can make symbols, icons with your display too.
This project will
guide you to make a Thermometer using Nokia 3310 LCD, you have to use
Library of this LCD which is available on this site to get it click Here, try making different kind of Display Graphics using this Library
Project uses PIC12F629 and DS18B20, one wire temperature sensor from
Maxim IC Reports degrees C with 9 to 12-bit precision, -55C to 125C
(+/-0.5C). Each sensor has a unique 64-Bit Serial number etched into it -
allows for a huge number of sensors to be used on one data bus.
Technical characteristics :
- Voltage ....................... 3 - 3.3 V
- Range (1) ....................-55 do 125' C
- Min. temp. step ............ 0,1 ' C
- Max. error ................... +/- 0,5 ' C
- Max. resolution ............. 0,0625 ' C
- Temp. refreshed every.... 1,2 sec.
- Dimensions .............40 by 38 mm
- 2 modes of display .........normal/inverse
- Lcd ................84 by 48 pixel
- Amperage (2)................. 0,2 mA - 0,8 mA
Schematic Diagram
PCB Layout
Program and PCB File
PCB file is in nokialcd.rar and it is made in u Protel 99 SE.
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