
Thursday 24 May 2012

PIC Project - PICBASIC - Poor Man's Scope

PICBASIC - Poor Man's Scope


A project "Micro picscope" a simple visual signal monitor.
It shows a representation of the signal waveform using an alfanumeric 16*2 lcd display.
Here a PBP version with PIC16F690

Diagram is given below :




Obviously the performance are very limited; i consider this project a toy.
A graphic area of 8*40 pixels is inadequate to show anything with an acceptable accuracy.




 The bandwidth is limited to 4-5KHz
The frequency counter is limited to 6 digit, the precision depends by the internal oscillator frequency.


Necessary files are given below : (assembly file and HEX code)


: : :file start: : :


'*  Name    : Pr_SCOPE.pbp       *
'*  Author  : Pratik Gohel       *
'*  Date    : 24/05/2012         *
'*  Version : 2.0                *
 DEFINE OSC 8           'internal oscillator
' DEFINE INTHAND Myint   'define interrupt handler
 DEFINE LCD_BITS 4      ' Set LCD bus size (4 or 8 bits)
 DEFINE LCD_LINES 2     ' linee display
 DEFINE LCD_DBIT  0     ' bit 0-3  bus x display
 DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 4     ' R/S  PortC.4
 DEFINE LCD_EBIT 7      ' En  PortC.7
'    NON cambiare l'ordine obbligatorio per la conversione bin>BCD
reg0        var   byte $74         'lsd del valore binario da convertire
reg1        var   byte $75         'vengono tutti portati ad FF
reg2        var   byte $76
reg3        var   byte $77         'msd
'         risultato conversione 32bit bcd
Dig0        var   byte $78        'BCD lsd
Dig1        var   byte $79        'rappresentazione in BCD del contatore 32 bit
Dig2        var   byte $7a
Dig3        var   byte $7b
Dig4        var   byte $7c        'BCD msd
Wsave       var   byte $7D  SYSTEM      'uso interrupt  sono visibili sempre
Ssave       var   byte $7E  SYSTEM      'nei 3 banchi
Psave       var   byte $7F  SYSTEM      'fino a 7F
TmpW        var   word
TmpW2       var   word
NumW        var   word
Dum1        var   word
Hicntr      var   word            '32bit frequency counter
Locntr      var   word
Timbase     var   byte            'copia sampling rate A/D
Rate        var   byte            'counter sampling rate
Index       var   byte
Vmin        var   byte
Vpp         var   byte
Voffset     var   byte
Previous    var   byte
Row         var   byte
IndxBT      var   byte            'pointer tabella base tempi
Tmp1        var   byte            'temporanee
Tmp2        var   byte
Sbr1        var   byte            'uso in sub
Sbr2        var   byte
Sbr3        var   byte
Flag_V      var   byte        'flag vari
Fl_Tmp      var   Flag_V.0      '
'l_1        var   Flag_V.1      '
'l_2        var   Flag_V.2      '
'l_3        var   Flag_V.3      '
'l_4        var   Flag_V.4      '
'           var   Flag_V.5      '
'           var   Flag_V.6      '
'           var   Flag_V.7      '
BufABcd     var   byte[09]      'bank0    'buffer Ascii conversione 32bit
Adbuf       var   byte[63] bank1    'deposito acquisizioni A/D & lcd user char.
Pixi        var   byte[39] bank2    'buffer bit map
'Vcc                        pin 1
'Gnd                        pin 20
'                PortA.7   'na
'                PortA.6   'na
TrigIN      var  PortA.5   'pin 2   input Timer1 counter
'           var  PortA.4   'pin 3   output
Push_But    var  PortA.3   'pin 4   input Button
'           var  PortA.2   'pin 17  output
LedB        var  PortA.1   'pin 18  output Led
'           var  PortA.0   'pin 19  analog input A/D
'Tx         var  PortB.7   'pin 10  output
'           var  PortB.6   'pin 11  output
'Rx         var  PortB.5   'pin 12  input
'           var  PortB.4   'pin 13  output
'                PortB.3   'na
'                PortB.2   'na
'                PortB.1   'na
'                PortB.0   'na
'           var  PortC.7   'pin 9   output display En
'           var  PortC.6   'pin 8   output
'           var  PortC.5   'pin 5   output
'           var  PortC.4   'pin 6   output display R/S
'           var  PortC.3   'pin 7   output display D7
'           var  PortC.2   'pin 14  output    "    D6
'           var  PortC.1   'pin 15  output    "    D5
'           var  PortC.0   'pin 16  output    "    D4
'---------- COSTANTI
Cr          con   13
Lf          con   10
Negativo    con   128
LedOn       con   1
LedOFF      con   0
'posizioni memoria valori in eeprom
VrefAD      con   2            'posizione eeprom v.alimentazione
AdjFreq     con   4            'adj frequency measure
Rates       con   16           'start sample rate table
        Goto inizio            ' Skip around interrupt handler
;valore da convertire in reg0-4 risultato in dig4-0
;conversione a 32bit da binario a bcd
        movlw   32
        movwf   r0              ;bit counter
        clrf    _dig0           ;lsd
        clrf    _dig1
        clrf    _dig2
        clrf    _dig3
        clrf    _dig4           ;msd
        movlw   _dig0            ;point at first bcd
        movwf   FSR
        movlw   33h
        addwf   INDF,f          ;add to low and high nybbles
        btfsc   INDF,3
        andlw   0f0h            ;low result >7 . OK (take the 3 out)
        btfsc   INDF,7
        andlw   0fh             ;hi > 7 OK.
        subwf   INDF,f          ;any results <=7, subtract back.
        incf    FSR,f           ;Inc. pointer for next time
        movlw   Wsave
        subwf   FSR,w
        btfss   STATUS,C
        goto    b2bcdil         ;If not done, do the inner loop again.
        rlf     _reg0,f
        rlf     _reg1,f
        rlf     _reg2,f
        rlf     _reg3,f         ;Get another bit out of bin.
        rlf     _dig0,f         ;Put bit into bcd.
        rlf     _dig1,f
        rlf     _dig2,f
        rlf     _dig3,f
        rlf     _dig4,f
        decfsz  r0,f            ;Do more?
        goto    b2bcdl          ;Yes.
      Index = 0
      Sbr1 = 255        'min --> max
      Sbr2 = 0          'max --> min
            Sbr3 = Adbuf[Index]              'ricerca max,min
            if Sbr3 > Sbr2 then Sbr2 = Sbr3  'attuale > max
            if Sbr3 < Sbr1 then Sbr1 = Sbr3  'attuale < min
            Index = Index + 1
      until Index > 39
      Vpp = Sbr2 - Sbr1                      'calcola delta
      Voffset = Sbr1                         'save offset
'toglie offset ai valori acquisiti
      Index = 0
            Sbr3 = Adbuf[Index] - Sbr1       'scala valori acquisiti
            Adbuf[Index] = Sbr3              'save again
            Index = Index + 1
      until Index > 39
'crea una immagine bitmap trova il punto da mettere sul grafico
' punto =  Ad*8/256   adatto per scala 0-255
'ritorna valori tra 0 e 7
'N.B. le letture sono scalate dell'offset per avere massima risoluzione
'         TmpW = Adbuf[Index] * 8           'riporta lettura in range x pixel
'         tmpW = tmpW >> 8                  'scala 0 255
'         Tmpw = TmpW /(Vpp+1)              'scala dinamica
'ricerca fattore scala x adattare valori
                        if Vpp < 32 then
                           Dum1 = 32
                           Dum1 = Vpp + 1
      Index = 0
         Sbr1 = (Adbuf[Index] * 8) / Dum1
'deve avere un valore da 0 a 7 che indica il pixel da accende
         lookup Sbr1,[1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128],Sbr2
'sostituisce il pixel con il suo peso binario
         Pixi[Index] = Sbr2
         Index = Index + 1
      until Index > 39
'join punti sul grafico
      Previous = Pixi[0]                  'primo punto
      Index = 1
         Sbr1 = Pixi[Index]               'punto attuale
         if Sbr1 = Previous then Succ_t   'orrizzontale  skip test
         if Sbr1 > Previous then          'linea in salita
'line up
            Sbr2 = Sbr1                   'copia x fill bit risultato
            Sbr3 = Previous << 1          'inizia da un punto sopra al precedente
            while Sbr3 < Sbr1             'fino a raggiungere l'attuale
               Sbr2 = Sbr2 | Sbr3         'aggiunge nuovo pixel
               Sbr3 = Sbr3 << 1           'sale
         else                             'linea in discesa
'line down
            Sbr2 = Sbr1                   'copia x fill bit risultato
            Sbr3 = Previous >> 1          'inizia da un punto sotto al preced.
            while  Sbr3 > Sbr1            'fino a raggiungere l'attuale
               Sbr2 = Sbr2 | Sbr3         'aggiunge nuovo pixel
               Sbr3 = Sbr3 >> 1           'scende
         Pixi[Index] = Sbr2               'aggiorna immagine
         Previous = Sbr1                  'punto attuale diventa precedente
         Index = Index + 1
      until Index > 39                    'scan tutte locazioni
'converte rappresentazione grafica della forma d'onda
'in formato compatibile per display. scandisce in orrizzontale la bitmap
'a gruppi di 5 colonne e costruisce il pattern per custom user characters
'produce 64 bytes per gli 8 caratteri definibili dall'utente
     Row = 0                       ' pointer char da inviare a display
     Index = 0                     'pointer lettura
       Sbr1 = 128                  'inizia da pixel in alto
         Tmp2 = 0                  'dato da inviare
         Sbr3 = Index              'usa una copia
         Sbr2 = 16                 'scansione orriz. dei bit
            Tmp1 = Pixi[Sbr3]
            Tmp1 = Tmp1 & Sbr1     'isola bit da d7 a d0
            if Tmp1 > 0 then
               Tmp2 = Tmp2 | Sbr2     'produce dato uscita
            Sbr2 = Sbr2 >> 1        '16,8,4,2,1
            Sbr3 = Sbr3 + 1         'x 5 colonne
         until Sbr2 = 0
'in Tmp2 pronto dato  del primo carattere
         AdBuf(row) = Tmp2
         row = row + 1              'scende di una riga
         Sbr1 = Sbr1 >> 1           '128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1
       until Sbr1 = 0
       Index = Index + 5            'al gruppo  seguente
     until Index > 39
'Quick explanation on how to implement user-defined characters:
'First you will need to make a pixel definition for the characters
'you want to use.  Below is the pixel definition for an underlined
'0' (char code 0x30) based on a 5x7 dots character definition:
'       |   bits    | byte
'  row  | 76543210  | value
'  ------------------------
'  000  |     xxx   | 0x0E
'  001  |    x   x  | 0x11
'  010  |    x  xx  | 0x13
'  011  |    x x x  | 0x15
'  100  |    xx  x  | 0x19
'  101  |    x   x  | 0x11
'  110  |     xxx   | 0x0E
'  111  |    xxxxx  | 0x1F
'The byte values need to be loaded into CGRAM address 00cccrrr
'-  ccc = user-defined character number (0..7)
'-  rrr = row number of the user-defined character (0..7)
      Row = 0                 'buffer pointer
      Sbr3 = 0                'user definable counter
         Sbr2 = Sbr3 + 64     'comando scrittura cgram
         lcdout $FE,Sbr2      'N^ user defined to command register
         Sbr2 = 0
            Sbr1 = AdBuf(Row)
            lcdout Sbr1       'user defined
            Row = Row + 1
            Sbr2 = Sbr2 + 1
         until Sbr2 > 7       'x 8 row
         Sbr3 = Sbr3 + 8      'next character
      until Sbr3 > 56
'      lcdout 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
      lcdout $FE,1
' misura frequenza usando tmr1 come contatore e tmr0 come gate di misura
         LedB = LedON
         Hicntr = 0
'         option_reg = %11000111     'prescaler 256
         read AdjFreq,TmpW2.byte1   'recupera aggiustamento gate time
         read (AdjFreq+1),TmpW2.byte0
'adjust for precise 1sec. gate time
'tmr0 tic = 2e6 / 32768 = 16,384mS   0,999424S + 576uS = 1S   61tic
'           2e6 / 65536 = 32,768mS   0,98304S + 16,96mS = 1S  30tic
'no gate control no prescale no sync  external clock source
         t1con = 000010             'stop tmr1
         Sbr1 = 0                      'gate counter
         tmr0 = 0
         tmr1l = 0
         tmr1h = 0                     'clr counter
         intcon.2 = 0                  'clr tmr0if
         pir1.0 = 0                    'clr tmr1if
         tmr0 = 0                      'start gate misura
         t1con.0 = 1                   'start tmr1
               if pir1.0 = 1 then      'tmr1 overflow ?
                   pir1.0 = 0          'clr overflow
                   Hicntr = Hicntr + 1
               if intcon.2 = 1 then    'Tmr0 overflow ?
                   intcon.2 = 0        'clr overflow
                   Sbr1 = Sbr1 + 1     'gate counter
         until Sbr1 > 29               '32,768mS * 30 = 0,98304S.
         pauseus TmpW2                 '0,98304 + 16960uS = 1S
         t1con.0 = 0                   'stop tmr1
         if pir1.0 = 1 then            'tmr1 overflow ?
               Hicntr = Hicntr + 1
         Locntr.byte0 = tmr1l
         Locntr.byte1 = tmr1h
         LedB = LedOFF
'converte in mv la lettura dell' A/D
       read VrefAD,TmpW2.byte1            'recupera vref da eeprom
       read (VrefAd+1),TmpW2.byte0
       numW = TmpW * TmpW2               'tutto in mv.
       TmpW2 = DIV32 256                 '(A/D*5000)/256
       Lcdout dec TmpW2 dig 3,".",dec TmpW2 dig 2
     Index = 0
     Sbr1 = dig0         'lsd
     gosub Bcd_split
     Sbr1 = Dig1
     gosub Bcd_split
     Sbr1 = dig2
     gosub Bcd_split
     Sbr1 = dig3
     gosub Bcd_split
     Sbr1 = dig4         'msd
     gosub Bcd_split
     Index = 9
     Fl_Tmp = 0
     while index > 0
           if BufAbcd[Index] > 0 or Fl_Tmp = 1 then
              BufAbcd[Index] = BufAbcd[Index] + "0"   'ascii 0
              Fl_Tmp = 1
              BufAbcd[Index] = " "         'space
           index = index - 1
     BufAbcd[Index] = BufAbcd[Index] + "0"   'lsd non blank
     BufAbcd[Index] = Sbr1 & 001111
     Index = Index + 1
     Sbr1 = Sbr1 >> 4
     BufAbcd[Index] = Sbr1
     Index = Index + 1
        TRISA = %11101001        'portA configura direzione
        TRISB = 101111        'portB configura direzione  0=out 1=in
        TRISC = 000000        'portC configura direzione
        PortA = %11111111        '
        PortB = %10111111        'preset uscite
        PortC = 000000
        Osccon = %01110001       'select 8MHz internal clock source
'disable pullup
        WpuA = 000000
        WpuB = 000000
'disable comparators
        CM1CON0 = 0
        CM2CON0 = 0
        CM2CON1 = 0
'Init timer1
        T1CON = 000000         'prescale=1,Internal source,Tmr1 stop
'Init eusart
'        RCSTA = %10010000        'Enable serial port and continuous receive
'        TXSTA = 100000        'Enable transmit  BRGH = 0
'        SPBRGH = 00              '
'        SPBRG = 12               '38400 @8MHz
'        BAUDCTL.3 = 1            ' Enable 16 bit baudrate generator
'Init A/D
        Ansel = 000001        'portA digital  An0
        AnselH = 000000       'portC digital
'        Adcon1 = %01010000       'clock conversione Fosc/16 = 2uS
        Adcon0 = 000000       'left justified,Vref = Vdd,An0,ADC stop
'no pullup,rising edge, fosc/4, prescaler=1:256
        option_reg = %11000111
        intcon = 0               'no interrupt
'        Tmp1 = RCREG             'scarica uart receiver
'        Tmp1 = RCREG             'scarica uart receiver
        pause 200                'wait for display
        gosub cls
        lcdout " Poor SCOPE v.2"
        pause 1000
        lcdout $FE,12              'cursor off
        Adcon0 = 000001          'adc on
'        Adcon1 = 010000         'clock conversione Fosc/8 = 1uS
        Adcon1 = %01010000          'clock conversione Fosc/16 = 2uS
        IndxBT = 0                  'pointer Time Base divider  Max speed
        Timbase = 0                 'Max speed
         pause 20
         if Push_But = 0 then             'Button On
            IndxBT = IndxBT + 1
            if IndxBT > 09 then IndxBT = 0
            Sbr1 = IndxBT + Rates         'add offset
            read Sbr1,Timbase             'get sampling rate divider
            gosub cls
            lcdout " S. Rate = ",dec Timbase
            pause 400                    'display
            while Push_But = 0           'rilascia tasto
               pause 10
        Index = 0                      'A/D buffer pointer
        Dum1 = 0                       'timeout
'wait for level 0 or timeout
              if Push_But = 0 then P_scope     'user quit
              Dum1 = Dum1 + 1             'timeout counter
              LedB = Tmr0.7               'flash led
         until Trigin = 0 or Dum1 = 0     'attende livello 0  o timeout
         Dum1 = 0                          'timeout
'wait for rising edge trigger or timeout
         repeat                            'loop su livello 0
            if Push_But = 0 then P_scope   'user quit
             LedB = Tmr0.7                 'flash led
             Dum1 = Dum1 + 1               'timeout counter
         until Trigin = 1  or Dum1 = 0    'triggered or timeout
'start acquisizione
         ADCON0.1 = 1
              Rate = 0                'sample rate divider
                  while ADCON0.1 = 1      'A/D ready ?
                  wend                    'wait eoc
                  Rate = Rate + 1
                  ADCON0.1 = 1            'start new conversion
              until Rate > Timbase
              Adbuf[Index] = ADRESH       'get & save  8 bit
              Index = Index + 1
         until Index > 39                 'fill buffer 40 samples
'acquisizione completata
         gosub Pk_Pk                     'rileva Vpp
         gosub Make_Bit_Map              'crea immagine
         gosub Make_user_char            'converte per display
         gosub Update_CGRAM              'invia bitmap al display
         gosub Freqy                     'misura frequenza
         gosub Cls
         lcdout "Vpp          Vof"
         lcdout $FE,132                  'locate cursor
         lcdout 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7          'display bitmap
         lcdout $FE,$C0                  'locate cursor
         TmpW = Vpp
         gosub Make_volt                 'convert to mV  & display Vpp
         lcdout $FE,$CD                  'locate cursor
         TmpW = Voffset
         gosub Make_volt                 'convert to mV  & display Voffset
         reg3=hicntr.byte1               'binary to string conversion
         call cv_bi2bcd                  'binary 2 bcd
         gosub Zero_Blank
         lcdout $FE,$C4                  'locate cursor
         Index = 5                       'display 6 digit
            lcdout BufAbcd[Index]       'display frequency
            index = Index - 1
         until Index > negativo          '5-4-3-2-1-0
'       lcdout hex2 dig2,hex2 dig1,hex2 dig0
'       lcdout hex4 hicntr,hex4 locntr
         lcdout "Hz"
         pause 100
         goto P_scope
        data @00 ,$FF   'non usato
        data @01 ,$FF   'non usato
' Vref conv. A/D nominale 5000mV  V. alimentazione
        eeprom VrefAD,[$13,$88]    ' hi,lo  5000
'Frequency counter gate time adj
        eeprom AdjFreq,[$42,$40]    'hi,lo  16960
'A/D Sample rate divider
        eeprom Rates,[0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,192]
        eeprom [255,255,255]       'non usato


: : :END: : : 

HEX code :

: : :start: : :


: : :END: : :

Enjoy it

post by Pratik Gohel...:))

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